TikTok ROI and incremental sales driven for FMCG/CPG and Retail
TikTok ROI and incremental sales driven for FMCG/CPG and Retail brands in Central Europe. Economiser-based case study TikTok ROI and effectiveness in our Economiser / MMM benchmark database As [...]
How to shift response curve? Factors impacting shape and scale of response curve.
How to shift response curve? Factors impacting shape and scale of response curve: abstract Moving on the response curve vs changing the response curve How to set up optimal media – mix? That’s [...]
Jak budować długookresową sprzedaż marki mediami? Spojrzenie na OOH (Out of Home)
Myślenie długookresowe w marketingu: Jak budować długookresową sprzedaż marki mediami? Wstęp Dobre planowanie mediów i tworzenie skutecznych strategii marketingowych nigdy nie było łatwe. [...]
How mLab.Sales – an MMM as a Service solution – helped Hebe omnichannel retail business grow?
How mLab.Sales helped Hebe omnichannel retail business grow? The need for MMM as a Service solutions Ongoing econometric modeling of sales is for business leaders what camera is for movie [...]
Don’t get the wrong impression! Assessing the best input variable to reflect Meta in MMM
Don’t get the wrong impression! Assessing the best input variable to reflect Meta in MMM: Abstract Background Meta campaigns have multiple buying options. This affects the cost of media, campaign [...]